

iNature iNature 2019-06-30




由于使用百度很难搜索到可靠的英文文章,故在这里,小编推荐使用雅虎搜索引擎,在搜索栏里面输入web of science这几个关键词,得到以下界面(图.1)。

图1. 网页的打开

再次,进入web of science网站(这个网站是要收费的,一般综合性大学及中科院会购买),得到了以下的界面(图.2)。

图2.Web of Science界面

在界面输入long noncoding RNA关键词,选项栏选择“标题”(图.3)。

图.3 搜索lncRNA文章




图.4  2383篇文章引用情况

我们再看一下,不同时间对于lncRNA的引用情况,发现2009年前,lncRNA非常低,但是2012年引用量是1909次,2013年引用量是3750次,2014年是6640次,2015年10066次,2016年是17210次,2017年17448次(图.5  )。

图.5  2383篇文章不同时间段引用情况


图.6  核心40篇文章引用情况


图.7  24篇文章不同时间段引用情况




图.8 40篇文章的类型


图.9 40篇文章的国家分析


图.10  40篇文章的大学或研究所分析(第一单位)

我们在统计了这24篇文章发在什么杂志上,非常的有趣,在Cell章居然达到了9篇;science是5篇;GENOME RESEARCH及MOLECULAR CELL都是4篇,CANCER RESEARCH是2篇;另外的文章发在其他杂志上,都是1篇,故就不再这里罗列了(图.11)。以上说明。Cell系列期刊比较偏爱lncRNA相关的文章,但是Nature发的比较少。

图.11  40篇文章所发杂志分析


图.12  40篇文章发表时间统计

最后我们统计了通讯作者,发现Chang Howard(张元豪) 有9篇;Lee Jeannie 及Mattick John有4篇;第二军医大学的孙树汗是3篇;Dinger Marcel ,Ponting Chris及Spector David 都是2篇。另外提一下,曹雪涛及陈玲玲都是1篇。


红色标记的是review,绿色的是Editorial Material。

  1. Evolution and Functions of Long Noncoding RNAs;

  2. The GENCODE v7 catalog of human long noncoding RNAs: Analysis of their gene structure, evolution, and expression;

  3. Long Noncoding RNA as Modular Scaffold of Histone Modification Complexes;

  4. Genome Regulation by Long Noncoding RNAs;

  5. Molecular Mechanisms of Long Noncoding RNAs;

  6. A Long Noncoding RNA Controls Muscle Differentiation by Functioning as a Competing Endogenous RNA;

  7. Long noncoding RNAs: functional surprises from the RNA world;

  8. Long Noncoding RNAs with Enhancer-like Function in Human Cells;

  9. A long noncoding RNA maintains active chromatin to coordinate homeotic gene expression

  10. Long noncoding RNAs and human disease;

  11. Long Noncoding RNA HOTAIR Regulates Polycomb-Dependent Chromatin Modification and Is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Colorectal Cancers;

  12. Specific expression of long noncoding RNAs in the mouse brain;

  13. Long Noncoding RNAs: Cellular Address Codes in Development and Disease;

  14. Epigenetic Regulation by Long Noncoding RNAs;

  15. Genomic Maps of Long Noncoding RNA Occupancy Reveal Principles of RNA-Chromatin Interactions;

  16. Structure and function of long noncoding RNAs in epigenetic regulation;

  17. Long noncoding RNAs in mouse embryonic stem cell pluripotency and differentiation;

  18. A Long Noncoding RNA Activated by TGF-beta Promotes the Invasion-Metastasis Cascade in Hepatocellular Carcinoma;

  19. Long Noncoding RNAs: Past, Present, and Future;

  20. Braveheart, a Long Noncoding RNA Required for Cardiovascular Lineage Commitment;

  21. No-Nonsense Functions for Long Noncoding RNAs;

  22. The landscape of long noncoding RNAs in the human transcriptome;

  23. Vernalization-Mediated Epigenetic Silencing by a Long Intronic Noncoding RNA(植物);

  24. Functionality or transcriptional noise? Evidence for selection within long noncoding RNAs;

  25. Long Noncoding RNA High Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Facilitates Tumor Growth Through Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 in Humans;

  26. Long Intergenic Noncoding RNAs: New Links in Cancer Progression;

  27. Systematic identification of long noncoding RNAs expressed during zebrafish embryogenesis;

  28. 3 ' End Processing of a Long Nuclear-Retained Noncoding RNA Yields a tRNA-like Cytoplasmic RNA;

  29. X-Inactivation, Imprinting, and Long Noncoding RNAs in Health and Disease;

  30. lncRNAdb: a reference database for long noncoding RNAs(第一个预测lncRNA数据库);

  31. A Long Noncoding RNA Mediates Both Activation and Repression of Immune Response Genes;

  32. The Long Noncoding MALAT-1 RNA Indicates a Poor Prognosis in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer and Induces Migration and Tumor Growth;

  33. Long Noncoding RNA MALAT1 Controls Cell Cycle Progression by Regulating the Expression of Oncogenic Transcription Factor B-MYB;

  34. Long noncoding RNAs and the genetics of cancer;

  35. The STAT3-Binding Long Noncoding RNA lnc-DC Controls Human Dendritic Cell Differentiation;

  36. Repression of the Long Noncoding RNA-LET by Histone Deacetylase 3 Contributes to Hypoxia-Mediated Metastasis;

  37. The Long Noncoding RNA, Jpx, Is a Molecular Switch for X Chromosome Inactivation;

  38. Circular Intronic Long Noncoding RNAs;

  39. Long noncoding RNA in genome regulation Prospects and mechanisms;

  40. MALAT1- a paradigm for long noncoding RNA function in cancer.

注意:所有的数据都是来源于Web of Science,如需要这40篇文章,可在后面留言。


