

2018-01-06 iNature iNature




剪接体剪接涉及branching反应和外显子连接。 branching反应导致形成催化步骤I剪接体(C复合物)。 在这里,施一公研究组报告人类C复合物的冷冻电镜结构,平均分辨率为4.1埃。 与酿酒酵母C复合物的结构相比,人复合物含有另外11种蛋白质。 步骤I拼接因子CCDC49和CCDC94(分别在酿酒酵母中的Cwc25和Yju2)与DEAH家族ATP酶/解旋酶Prp16紧密相互作用,并且桥接Prp16和活性位点RNA元件之间的间隙。 这些特征,连同人类C和C *复合物之间的结构比较,揭示了对核糖核蛋白重构的机理性认识,并允许初步知道C到C *转变的工作机制。


Splicing by the spliceosome involves branching and exon ligation. The branching reaction leads to the formation of the catalytic step I spliceosome (C complex). Here we report the cryo-EM structure of the human C complex at an average resolution of 4.1 Å. Compared to the structure of the S. cerevisiae C complex, the human complex contains 11 additional proteins. The step I splicing factors CCDC49 and CCDC94 (Cwc25 and Yju2 in S. cerevisiae, respectively) closely interact with the DEAH-family ATPase/helicase Prp16 and bridge the gap between Prp16 and the active site RNA elements. These features, together with structural comparison between the human C and C* complexes, reveal mechanistic insights into ribonucleoprotein remodeling and allow proposition of a working mechanism for the C-to-C* transition.



通过剪接体从前体mRNA中去除内含子导致催化后剪接体(称为P复合体)中的两个外显子的连接。 在这里,施一公研究组提出了一个来自酿酒酵母的P复合物的冷冻电镜结构,平均分辨率为3.6 Å 。连接的外显子通过RNA-RNA接触保持在活性位点。 5'外显子3'末端的3个碱基仍然锚定在U5小核RNA的环I上,而3'-剪接位点(3'SS)的保守AG核苷酸被分支位点序列保守的腺嘌呤,,5'端的鸟嘌呤碱基(5'SS)和U6 snRNA的腺嘌呤碱基特异性识别。 3'SS通过与Prp8的1585回路相互作用而稳定。 P复合体结构提供了对于理解完整剪接循环至关重要的剪接点形成的观点。


Removal of an intron from a pre-mRNA by the spliceosome results in the ligation of two exons in the post-catalytic spliceosome (known as the P complex). Here, we present a cryo-EM structure of the P complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at an average resolution of 3.6 Å. The ligated exon is held in the active site through RNA-RNA contacts. Three bases at the 3′ end of the 5′ exon remain anchored to loop I of U5 small nuclear RNA, and the conserved AG nucleotides of the 3′-splice site (3′SS) are specifically recognized by the invariant adenine of the branch point sequence, the guanine base at the 5′ end of the 5′SS, and an adenine base of U6 snRNA. The 3′SS is stabilized through an interaction with the 1585-loop of Prp8. The P complex structure provides a view on splice junction formation critical for understanding the complete splicing cycle.



内含子套索剪接体(ILS)的拆卸标志着剪接循环的结束。 这里施一公研究组以平均分辨率报告来自酿酒酵母的ILS复合物的冷冻电子显微镜结构。 内含子系统保持绑定在剪接体中,而连接的外显子已经解离。 已经从活性位点组装中释放步骤II剪接因子Prp17和Prp18以及稳定与U5小核RNA(snRNA)的环I的5'外显子结合的Cwc21和Cwc22。 DEAH家族ATP酶/解旋酶Prp43结合剪接体周围的Syf1,其RNA结合位点接近U6 snRNA的3'末端。 Ntr1 / Spp382的C末端结构域与GTPase Snu114相关联,Ntr2锚定在Prp8上,同时与Ntr1的超螺旋结构域相互作用。 这些结构特征表明了用于拆卸ILS复合物的合理机制。


The disassembly of the intron lariat spliceosome (ILS) marks the end of a splicing cycle. Here we report a cryoelectron microscopy structure of the ILS complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at an average resolution of 3.5 Å. The intron lariat remains bound in the spliceosome whereas the ligated exon is already dissociated. The step II splicing factors Prp17 and Prp18, along with Cwc21 and Cwc22 that stabilize the 5′ exon binding to loop I of U5 small nuclear RNA (snRNA), have been released from the active site assembly. The DEAH family ATPase/helicase Prp43 binds Syf1 at the periphery of the spliceosome, with its RNA-binding site close to the 3′ end of U6 snRNA. The C-terminal domain of Ntr1/Spp382 associates with the GTPase Snu114, and Ntr2 is anchored to Prp8 while interacting with the superhelical domain of Ntr1. These structural features suggest a plausible mechanism for the disassembly of the ILS complex.



对前体mRNA剪接的机理性理解需要关于剪接体各种状态的详细结构信息。在这里,施一公研究组报告在外显子连接之前的人类剪接体(C *复合物)的冷冻电子显微镜(cryo-EM)结构,平均分辨率为3.76 Å.剪接因子Prp17稳定活性位点构象。步骤II因子Slu7采用延伸构象,结合Prp8和Cwc22,并准备选择3'-剪接位点。值得注意的是,内含子的套索穿过RBM22的正电中心通道。这个不寻常的组织提出了内含子招募,禁闭和释放的机制。蛋白质PRKRIP1形成100-αα螺旋,将远端U2 snRNP连接到催化中心。 ATP酶/解旋酶Prp22的35个残基的片段与Prp8锁定,并且四级外显子连接复合物(EJC)识别上游的5'-外显子序列并与Cwc22和GTPase Snu114缔合。这些结构特征揭示了外显子结扎的重要机制。


Mechanistic understanding of pre-mRNA splicing requires detailed structural information on various states of the spliceosome. Here we report the cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of the human spliceosome just before exon ligation (the C∗ complex) at an average resolution of 3.76 Å. The splicing factor Prp17 stabilizes the active site conformation. The step II factor Slu7 adopts an extended conformation, binds Prp8 and Cwc22, and is poised for selection of the 3′-splice site. Remarkably, the intron lariat traverses through a positively charged central channel of RBM22; this unusual organization suggests mechanisms of intron recruitment, confinement, and release. The protein PRKRIP1 forms a 100-Å α helix linking the distant U2 snRNP to the catalytic center. A 35-residue fragment of the ATPase/helicase Prp22 latches onto Prp8, and the quaternary exon junction complex (EJC) recognizes upstream 5′-exon sequences and associates with Cwc22 and the GTPase Snu114. These structural features reveal important mechanistic insights into exon ligation.



每个前体mRNA剪接循环包括两个连续的反应,首先游离5'-外显子并产生内含子套索-3'-外显子,然后连接两个外显子并释放内含子的套索结构。第二个反应是通过步骤II催化活化的剪接体(称为C *复合物)进行的。在这里,施一公研究组提出了来自酿酒酵母的C *复合物的低温电子显微镜(cryo-EM)结构,平均分辨率为4.0Å。与先前的剪接体复合体(C复合体)相比,套索连接已经被移位15到20Å,以腾出空间用于即将到来的3'-外显子序列。 I步剪接因子Cwc25和Yju2已经从活性位点解离。来自Prp8(1585环和RNaseH样结构域的β指)的两个催化基序,连同步骤II剪接因子Prp17和Prp18以及其它周围蛋白质,准备好辅助第二酯交换。这些结构特征,连同其他剪接体复合物报道的那些,在剪接周期中产生几乎完整的机制图像。










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